Hi Folk,
The end of the semester is approaching, so PLA-sponsored events have mostly wrapped up for the year. Don’t worry, though! You’ll still be able to get your privacy law fix over the summer with events from local and national bar associations.
Event: Emerging Careers In Legal: Legal Privacy/Cyber Security and Data Analyst Professionals
The ABA Center for Innovation and Young Lawyers Division are partnering to bring you this Brown Bag virtual series on Emerging Careers in Legal. This eight-part series will take a deep dive into various careers for attorneys looking for an alternative to the traditional “partner track”. We will talk to Legal Project Managers, Legal Data Analysts, Knowledge Managers, Legal Technologists, Legal Futurists, Client Experience Designers, and many more! Join us today and over the next several months for a new look at how to make a career as an attorney! Friday’s panel features legal privacy and cybersecurity specialists Irene Mo, Joshua Lenon, Rachel Harris, and Rachel Ellet.
The event will take place from 1pm to 2pm on Friday, April 28, over Zoom. Click here to register; registration is free!
Event: Cyber Concerns for Attorneys
New York City Bar has put together a presentation to discuss types of cyber risks and their impact on law firms including importance of cyber security for firms due to privileged information, reputation damage and media risk. This program will include the legal and ethical duties in the cyber landscape including rules involving competence, communication, and confidentiality of information. In addition, the presentation will include examples of cyber risk management including: Identification of key accounts and systems, written funds transfer policies and what every law firm should have in place to better protect itself. The presentation will also discuss insurance considerations, including cyber insurance and legal malpractice insurance as well as claims handling processes and breach response. This program will go over cyber risk and its impact on law firms; understand how data breaches occur and the firm’s responsibilities; and learn how to develop a cyber risk management program.
The event will take place in-person from 6pm to 7pm on Wednesday, May 3, with a networking reception to follow. For more details, and to register, check out the event here! Registration is free to members, and membership is free to students.
Event: Transatlantic Privacy: Comparing the current state of US and EU privacy laws
Join the ABA Science and Technology Law Section for a webinar on the current state of U.S. and EU privacy laws and how they impact businesses operating or providing services in both jurisdictions – even where they do not have a physical presence and operate online. We will discuss the key differences between the two regimes, with a focus on the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and recent U.S. state privacy laws, such as the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), as amended by the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA).
The event will take place online from 1pm to 2pm on Tuesday, May 9. Register here! Registration is free to members, and membership is free to students.
Don’t hesitate to register with bar associations for access to other great resources. For law students, it’s usually free! Stay tuned over the summer for more news from the PLA, and we wish you all the very highest marks on finals 💯
Kyle Hunt
President, Privacy Law Association