TriBeCa Cybersecurity Summit 2023

New York Law School 185 West Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Come hear the most essential and current information related to cybersecurity and the law, including a survey of the cyber threat landscape, best practices on cyber extortion, and how to improve cyber defenses via the negotiation of strong cyber provisions in vendor contracts.

Cybersecurity/Privacy Law Panel at IPLS Symposium

The PLA has partnered with NYLS' own Intellectual Property Law Society and the Media, Entertainment, & Fashion Law Association  on a panel at their inaugural IP Symposium. Hosted online on April 20 and in-person on April 21, the symposium will cover a wide range of topics on intellectual property. From 5 to 6 on April […]

Emerging Careers In Legal: Legal Privacy/Cyber Security and Data Analyst Professionals

The ABA Center for Innovation and Young Lawyers Division are partnering to bring you this Brown Bag virtual series on Emerging Careers in Legal. This eight-part series will take a deep dive into various careers for attorneys looking for an alternative to the traditional “partner track”. We will talk to Legal Project Managers, Legal Data […]

Cyber Concerns for Attorneys

New York City Bar 42 West 44th Street, New York, NY, United States

New York City Bar has put together a presentation to discuss types of cyber risks and their impact on law firms including importance of cyber security for firms due to privileged information, reputation damage and media risk. This program will include the legal and ethical duties in the cyber landscape including rules involving competence, communication, […]

Transatlantic Privacy: Comparing the current state of US and EU privacy laws

Join the ABA Science and Technology Law Section for a webinar on the current state of U.S. and EU privacy laws and how they impact businesses operating or providing services in both jurisdictions – even where they do not have a physical presence and operate online. We will discuss the key differences between the two […]

EFA SCOTUS 2023 in Review

June isn't just Pride Month; it's also the end of the current session of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS). This has been a banner year for debate about privacy, civil rights, and law in the face of emerging technology. I'm am pleased to invite you all to a presentation by the Civil […]

NYLS Student Organization Fair

New York Law School 185 West Broadway, New York, NY, United States

We've got clinics, we've got centers, we've got it all--but most of all, we've got the Privacy Law Association! The e-board has been setting up a great semester of events and more, and we can't wait to tell you about it all. Plus, we'll have snacks. The event will run from 12:00pm to 2:00pm and […]

Esports Privacy and Compliance with Adam Gertz

You may think you know video games, but what do you know of their underlying complexities of privacy rights and regulatory hurdles? Come hear about the nuances involved in developing and capitalizing upon both the games themselves and the sports that have emerged around them! Adam Gertz is a partner at Morrison Cooper LLP, an […]

Cybersecurity Happy Hour

Nancy Whiskey Pub 1 Lispenard Street, New York, NY, United States

Before we all get bogged down by midterms, let's celebrate some privacy! Find us at Nancy Whiskey Pub, at 1 Lispenard Street. Bring a friend and bring a thirst... for privacy, of course. 🍺

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