Why the CIPP?

Your Resume Deserves a Treat

It’s law school! We all want to get hired sooner or later, and having shiny things on your resume is a good way to make that happen. Maybe you were on Law Review, or Moot Court, or the Alternative Dispute Resolution Team–or maybe you weren’t. Whatever you did, having more things to show to employers is good, and employers like the CIPP. And as NYLS’ Privacy Law Association, we’re committed to making that happen for you. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a certification in the field of privacy that gives you more bang for your buck.

A CIPP certification shows that you know what you’re talking about. It shows, to people who may not be attuned to the nuances of legal social clout, that you can do what you say you can. It also shows that you took the time to understand not only the law itself, but at least a basic outline of the real-world concepts to which that law applies. So get the certification, brag to the people in your network, and land the privacy job of your dreams.*

Maybe It Is a Little Bit What You Know

In law, it’s all about connections: connecting circumstances to precedent, connecting law to facts, and connecting your cover letter to that friend of a friend who just so happens to be looking for an intern. When it comes to job hunting, a lot of times it’s all about who you know. In truth, it’s like that in a lot of industries, but knowing the right people becomes slightly less all-encompassing when it comes time to actually get work done. And there’s not much more get-work-done oriented than engineering.

As a privacy lawyer, you will be expected to work with or provide advice for the people actually handling the sensitive data that the law requires your clients to protect. The more privacy is critical to a potential employer, the more they will have been forced to listen to at least someone with adequate technical skills to understand the matter at hand. And what impresses engineers and people with technical skills? Certifications.

*dream job not guaranteed. Offer valid while supplies last.

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