Privacy for the Holidays

Hi Folk,

We know most of you are deep in finals-mode, so good luck each and every one. You’ve got this; and soon it will be over, with weeks before academics darken our doors again. Happy Holidays!! ❄️ But for now, here’s a quick note on privacy events you won’t want to miss:

EFA Year-End Social

The PLA continues to be a proud member of the Electronic Frontier Alliance, and we look back on a stellar year of privacy, free speech, and civil rights advocacy. And with finals behind us as of the 14th, what better time to unwind with good fun and great company! Join us online, play some hacker trivia, and (if you somehow have the energy) network your heart out with privacy heroes from across the nation. Plus, hear a bit about what we’ll have going on for the year to come.

The event will take place on Zoom from 8:00pm to 10:00pm (Eastern Time) this Thursday, December 14. Register for free at !

Regulation of Online Harms

You can’t stop a bad actor without knowing who it is. But what does that mean for privacy?

Regulation and privacy are always in a certain amount of tension—but especially online, and even more so when the regulation involves a financial interest. Join the Privacy Law Association to hear from Nick Boyce, an expert in international relations and security policies currently working in tech as a trust and safety professional. He’ll shed light on how free speech principles are protected, where solutions fall short, and the potential for AI to help.

The event will take place on Microsoft Teams from 1:00pm to 2:00pm on Tuesday, January 30. Join here or with meeting id: 295 016 817 851 and passcode: zPcNLN !

Privacy News

FaceApp Filters for the Public Good

This isn’t the first time we’ve talked about privacy concerns in China, and AI has long played a creeping role in those concerns. But when the surveillance results in a positive outcome, criticism of the potential risk gets easier to drown out. It’s something to bear in mind here in the States, too. Every loss of freedom comes with a promise that the resulting safety will be worth it.

Meta to Add Encryption to Messenger

Speak of the devil–in this case, meaning the police. Meta is no poster child for privacy, but market pressures have led them to contemplate end-to-end encryption options for their chat service. Given the billion-plus current Messenger users, this would mark a sea change in communications security and privacy for the average consumer. Law enforcement authorities warn of doom and gloom, because children make for great rhetorical shields.

That’s all for now. Warm wishes, season’s greetings, and may your family be pleasant at your festival of choice! 🕯️🕯️🕯️

Kyle Hunt
President, Privacy Law Association